College of Education

International Programs

About Us Study Abroad IGlobal Visiting Scholars

Preparing Students to Teach and Lead in a Diverse, Globally Connected World

It has never been more important for educators and other professionals engaged in the field of education to be globally conscious and equipped to instill global competency in their own students. Through engagement with international students, institutional partnerships, on-campus international programming, study abroad opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students, and research with visiting scholars, we prepare globally conscious citizens, teachers, administrators, researchers, and policymakers who are ready to confront the global challenges and embrace the worldwide possibilities of our time.


  • New Initiative Brings Asian American Authors to Champaign Schools

    May 17, 2021, 13:00 by Ben Zigterman, News-Gazette Media
    In a virtual visit to University Primary School on Friday, a Chinese American author read from her latest picture book and shared how she grappled with feeling different growing up in a small Ohio town.
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  • In-Demand Endorsement Trains Teachers of Emergent Bilinguals

    Oct 14, 2020, 14:43 by Tom Hanlon
    The need for a bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement has never been greater in the state of Illinois, and the College of Education is helping to fulfill that need through a fully online endorsement program for practicing teachers.
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  • Resilience in Education: Reflections from Studying Abroad in New Zealand

    Feb 12, 2020, 16:33 by Asmaa Elsayed & Ashley Lawrence, College of Education
    In summer 2019, Education at Illinois’ Office of International Programs partnered with the University of Canterbury to launch its first study abroad program in New Zealand. Asmaa Elsayed, PhD student in Global Studies in Education, led the first New Zealand study abroad experience for Illinois students.
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2024 Ann L. Brown Lecture for excellence in Developmental Science

Champaign , USA
Psychology Building, room 23

Psychology Building, room 23

Event Type: Lecture

Speaker Information: Dr. Sylvia Perry

Dr. Sylvia Perry (Northwestern) : "The Development of Racial Bias Awareness

Abstract: Racism continues to permeate U.S. society today. Although many White parents acknowledge the persistence of racism, they often find it challenging to discuss race openly and honestly with their children. This talk explores why many White parents in the U.S. struggle to discuss race and racism with their children and ways to overcome these challenges. First, I will discuss three common myths affecting White parents’ willingness to engage in these conversations with their children: (1) talking about race will make their children racist, (2) their children are too young to understand racism, and (3) race is irrelevant to their children’s lives. Next, I will present data showing how guided discussions on racism—especially those in which parents explicitly identify and discuss instances of racism with their children—can effectively reduce pro-White implicit biases in both White parents and their children. Additionally, I will discuss how parents' awareness of their own racial biases influences their readiness to engage in these conversations and how this awareness connects to other challenging discussions. Finally, I will explore how these insights can inform interventions that support parents in navigating not only racial socialization but also other difficult conversations with their children. 

Contact: Michael Rizzo