College of Education

International Programs

About Us Study Abroad IGlobal Visiting Scholars

Preparing Students to Teach and Lead in a Diverse, Globally Connected World

It has never been more important for educators and other professionals engaged in the field of education to be globally conscious and equipped to instill global competency in their own students. Through engagement with international students, institutional partnerships, on-campus international programming, study abroad opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students, and research with visiting scholars, we prepare globally conscious citizens, teachers, administrators, researchers, and policymakers who are ready to confront the global challenges and embrace the worldwide possibilities of our time.


  • New Initiative Brings Asian American Authors to Champaign Schools

    May 17, 2021, 13:00 by Ben Zigterman, News-Gazette Media
    In a virtual visit to University Primary School on Friday, a Chinese American author read from her latest picture book and shared how she grappled with feeling different growing up in a small Ohio town.
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  • In-Demand Endorsement Trains Teachers of Emergent Bilinguals

    Oct 14, 2020, 14:43 by Tom Hanlon
    The need for a bilingual and English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement has never been greater in the state of Illinois, and the College of Education is helping to fulfill that need through a fully online endorsement program for practicing teachers.
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  • Resilience in Education: Reflections from Studying Abroad in New Zealand

    Feb 12, 2020, 16:33 by Asmaa Elsayed & Ashley Lawrence, College of Education
    In summer 2019, Education at Illinois’ Office of International Programs partnered with the University of Canterbury to launch its first study abroad program in New Zealand. Asmaa Elsayed, PhD student in Global Studies in Education, led the first New Zealand study abroad experience for Illinois students.
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Dean's Distinguished Speaker Series | Noreen Naseem Rodríguez, Esther June Kim, Sohyun An

Champaign , USA
22 Education Building

22 Education Building

Event Type: Lecture

Speaker Information: Noreen Naseem Rodríguez, Esther June Kim, Sohyun An

Noreen Naseem Rodríguez is an Assistant Professor of Elementary Education and Educational Justice in the Department of Teacher Education and core faculty in the Asian Pacific American Studies and Muslim Studies Programs at Michigan State University. Her current research, funded by the Spencer Foundation, examines the implementation of Asian American Studies in K-12 classrooms across the U.S. She has published over forty peer-reviewed book chapters and articles in scholarly and practitioner journals such as Harvard Educational Review, Curriculum Inquiry, and Journal of Children's Literature, and is co-author of Social Studies for a Better World: An Anti-Oppressive Approach for Elementary Educators with Katy Swalwell and Teaching Asian America in Elementary Classrooms with Sohyun An and Esther Kim. Before becoming a teacher educator, Noreen was a bilingual elementary teacher in Austin, Texas for nine years.

Esther June Kim is an Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Instruction and affiliate faculty of Asian Pacific Islander Studies at William & Mary. Her research focuses on how racial and religious identities (or different origin stories) might shape student understandings and embodiments of citizenship. She also explores how religious and racial narratives are taught (or not) primarily in secondary classrooms with particular attention to Asian American communities. Currently, her work includes collaborations with undergraduate students adapting archival research on Asian American histories to resources for K-12 students and educators. With Naseem Rodríguez and Sohyun An, she received the 2024 AERA Division K’s Innovations in Research on Equity and Social Justice in Teaching and Teacher Education Award. She is also a former high school humanities and history teacher who taught in both South Korea and California. 

Sohyun An is a Professor of Social Studies Education at Kennesaw State University. Her research and teaching center on K-12 Asian American studies and social studies education. She is co-author of Teaching Asian America in Elementary Classroom  with Drs. Noreen Naseem Rodríguez and Esther June Kim and has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters and articles in scholarly and practitioner journals such as Multicultural Perspectives, Rethinking Schools, Social Studies and Young Learners, and Journal of Curriculum Studies. She received many awards including Distinguished Researcher Award from American Educational Research Association’s Research on the Education of Asian Pacific Americans Special Interest Group and Distinguished Professor Award from Kennesaw State University. She is also a co-founder of Asian American Voices for Education, working alongside Asian American youth, educators, and community organizers to advance Asian American studies and ethnic studies in Georgia’s K-12 schools. Before becoming a teacher educator, Sohyun was a social studies teacher in South Korea.